We are a hybrid magazine investigating SOCIAL anxieties in the discourse between arts, politics and life

An artist magazine created by David Liver as mean of dialogue (and crash-test) with the Council Of Europe at the end of 2020. The project started out of an ongoing conversation with artist Jimmie Durham. Our first goal was to move the lines between the audiences, and put to the test an art based political thinking within a diplomatic political environment.
With its editorial board based in France, Belgium and Italy, Voice Over is a multi-sited magazine fostering the more diversified perspective on a broad series of social and cultural timely subjects.
Voice Over aims to elaborate an alternative type of critical information based on a hybrid and cross border field of expertise, point of view and target. We do so by experimenting with and adapting to different ecosystems such as political institutions, museums, international art events, and schools.
Voice Over’s open access format encourages the sharing of knowledge production, disassociating it from the traditional academic elites and the codified boundaries of the art world.
Present and Transcendence: The Eastern Dimension – Garibaldi Gallery, Milano

“hospitality is pregnant with all the wrong questions”
Some past Issues

Board and editors: François Combin, Florent Delval , Frederic X. Liver, Fabien Pinaroli, Dagmara Stephan. Director: Davo Liver.
Scientific Committee (2023): Nicoletta Braga (Accademia di Brera, Milano), Andrea Soto Calderon (Barcelona/Valparaiso), Guillaume Clermont (ULB/ERG, Brussels), Christophe Domino (TALM, Le Mans), Michael Kaethler (Università di San Marino), Ewa Majewska (Warsaw/Berlin), Massimo Mazzone (Accademia di Brera, Milano), Francesco Proto (Oxford University).
Voice Over is an Urubu Films’ & Strasburg Pennsylvania publishing made in partnership with a series of renewed institutions. These collaborations are made possible upon the principle of independence of the publisher and the magazine’s director. Turning institutions into soft foundations is our primary endeavor, we do it by respecting authorship, playing contrasts, cultivating fragile discourses and by breaking and rolling in the representatives’ offices.
All articles are licensed under Creative Commons – CC
Bita Azimi, Jimmie Durham, Kostantinos Papageorgiou, Michael Kaethler, Kenneth Goldsmith, Mai Elshehaly, Massimo Mazzone, Maria Thereza Alves, Ichraf Nasri, Tintin Wulia, Ewa Majewska, Fabien Pinaroli, Gabriel Fontana, Nicoletta Braga, Mijo Miquel, Daniela Ortiz, Salomè Rodriguez, Regina José Galindo, Juan José Lahuerta, New Eldorado, Dalila Mahdjoub, Sara Lucas Agutoli, Alejandro Alfonso Glaentzlin Ginestra, Cesare Pietroiusti, Alison Duncan. Os Keys, Lyra Pramuk, Jean D’Amérique, Gregory Sholette, Manuel Borja-Villel, Vicente Todoli, Luis Camillo Osorio, Giorgio De Finis, Alain Castan, Mohammed Laouli, Ricardo Marin Viadel, Andrea Soto Calderon, Hamedine Kane, Matteo Binci, Paolo Martone, Donata Lazzarini, Rosanna Guida, Roberto Galeotti, Laurine Peltier, Manon Coullebeaut, Eglantine Rousset, Alejandro Alfonso Glaentzlin Ginestra, Cara Schmitz, Marie-Myriam Soltani, Luc Jeand’Heur, Christophe Domino, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Alice Fraccaro, Dagmara Stephan, Oana Sanziana Marian, Riccardo Varini, Julia Montfort, Marie-Claire Klassen & Vincenzo Zuppardo